Character Chats

What is Gratitude?

What is gratitude?

Here at True Balance Karate in Downers Grove, Illinois, we have a social-emotional learning program called True Character. I’m Master H, owner and chief instructor here at the studio, and I have two masters degrees in education.

And this month, we are talking about gratitude. And I find it’s really important because as we develop this curriculum, it’s there to meet the needs of our youngest students who are three or four, and our oldest student who’s 85. And no matter your age in that range, gratitude is important. Showing that attitude of gratitude, recognizing things that you are grateful for, that you are thankful for, that you appreciate. All of the above. And things can get hectic, things can get crazy, things can get stressful.

For my young students, my three, four, five, six-year-old students who are just starting school and they’re learning how to navigate doing school for the first time, they’re learning how to navigate being responsible, finding their backpacks, doing those things. Right? Taking a moment to recognize and appreciate something that they’ve learned or something that they’ve figured out or something that they’ve grown or someone who has helped them is a really important skill.

For my students who wind up in junior high, now we have other things that we’re learning how to navigate. There’s more independence there. There might be some afterschool clubs for the first time. There’s hanging out with friends outside of play dates that parents have set up. And so, it’s finding a way to appreciate going to a friend’s house and saying thank you to that mom. It’s finding a way to recognize that even though they’re becoming more independent, there’s still someone who’s behind them helping them along the way.

For my students who find themselves in their 20s and living on their own for the first time and that kind of thing, it’s appreciating the skills that they’ve developed over the years. It’s appreciating the lessons that they’ve learned. It’s appreciating the people that are still there helping each other out, helping them out. And then as we get older, my kids are college and high school right now, but my mom still comes over at times to help out with something and things like that. And it’s showing that appreciation, showing that gratefulness that you have for them.

And even as you’re getting older, there’s lessons to be learned, there’s things to recognize, even if it’s as simple as somebody taking the groceries out to the car and appreciating the fact that they were there to help you out. Or it’s just a matter of being able to see and be aware of what’s going on in the world around you and demonstrating that awareness, that appreciation, that recognition that we’re all in this together.

When we’re new parents, we talk about how it takes a village to raise kids, but in my opinion, it takes a village to help us all. Nobody’s an island and we all take care of each other. And so, when you’re practicing that attitude of gratitude, when you are recognizing all of the good things that are in your life, you’re recognizing the village that is around you, you’re recognizing all of the people that play a part in that, and all of the things that you have been given within that group.

And having that positive attitude can actually help us lower stress levels. It can help us face challenges and meet our goals. It can help us sleep better. It helps build stronger relationships. I mean, there’s a lot of positives that come out of showing that attitude of gratitude, of recognizing the people in our lives, the things in our lives, everything that is our lives.

Having that positive attitude goes a long way to enrich our life and make it better. And this month, as we are working on that, we’re going to be talking about saying the words, thank you. Yes, because thank you is the easiest way to show gratitude. But we’re also going to talk about a few other skills and strategies that we could implement. We’re going to talk about who we would be grateful for, what, when, different situations that we find ourselves in that we should demonstrate gratitude that way. We’re going to talk about what other things we can do to show that we appreciate, to show that we recognize the good things. And then we’re going to talk about too, how do we pay it forward? How do we take that and then put it towards somebody else? How do we share that gratitude so that they recognize that we’re grateful for them or for something around us?

So, enjoy our journey of gratitude. I’m really looking forward to it because it’s a very positive way of interacting with people around us. And like I said, saying thank you is the easiest thing to do. Another would be giving a good smile or just practicing a little black belt awareness for the world around you.

Thanks, and I’ll see you on the mat!


True Balance Karate was founded in 2012 by Master Sue and Paul Helsdon.

We offer kids karate lessons for pre-school children ages 3-6 and elementary age kids ages 7 and up. These lessons are designed to develop the critical building blocks kids need — specialized for their age group — for school excellence and later success in life.

Our adult martial arts training is a complete adult fitness and conditioning program for adults who want to lose weight, get (and stay) in shape, or learn self-defense in a supportive environment.

Instructors can answer questions or be contacted 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week at 630-663-2000. You can also contact us here