
New student experience Susannah Go

Susannah Go

We're new to TBK, and the onboarding experience has been A+++. We did a free 30 minute introductory class with a few other kids and Mister Felix, and it was great. My son got to break a board at the end, and he was so proud of himself. The kids needed some reminders to stay focused, and Mister Felix always gave kind and gentle corrections. It is hard to overstate how welcomed we have felt. At the intro class they had my son's name written on their welcome board, and we were immediately greeted by Miss Dawn who told us exactly what to do. By the end of the first "real" class, both owners Master Helsdon and Master H had introduced themselves to us and talked to us extensively about the program. Everyone has been happy to answer our questions (shoutout Miss Renee!), at no point were we confused or wondering what to do next. My son felt welcome too. Somehow everyone knows his name already, it is impressive! When the grown-ups talk with him, they always kneel down or even sit beside him. At his second lesson, there was a teacher he had never met before, and she came over to him, got down on one knee so she was on his level, shook his hand and introduced herself. Sometimes the adults just talk to other adults and ignore the kids; that is not the case here. They will treat your children like people and respect them. We are looking forward to our third lesson next week and so excited to be part of TBK!