Our Podcast delivers valuable information to our students.
Determination in Goal-Setting
This week, we discuss how to set goals and how we use our determination to reach them!
ListenWhat Determined People Do
May's word of the month is Determination! This episode, child development expert, Master H, explains what determination is by looking at what determined people do.
ListenConfidence With Mistakes
April's word of the month is Confidence! This episode, Master H explains how we handle and make up for mistakes with confidence.
ListenBuilding Confidence in Others
April's word of the month is Confidence. Today, we go over how to help build up confidence in those around us.
ListenConfidence in Trying New Things
April's word of the month is Confidence. Today, we discuss how to use our confidence to try new things and get out of our comfort zones.
ListenWhat is Confidence?
April's word of the month is Confidence! In this episode, Master H defines confidence and why it is so important in our lives.
ListenTunnel Vision
What is tunnel vision and how do we find balance? Vision is how we visualize our goals, our path to reach them, and how we will feel when we succeed.
ListenUsing Our Mind to Help Vision
How do we use our minds to help with vision? Vision is how we visualize our goals, our path to reach them, and how we will feel when we succeed.
ListenUsing Eyesight to Help Visualize
How do we use our eyesight to help us visualize? Vision is how we visualize our goals, our path to reach them, and how we will feel when we succeed.
ListenWhat is Vision?
What is vision? Vision is how we visualize our goals, our path to reach them, and how we will feel when we succeed.