Our Podcast delivers valuable information to our students.
What is a Motto?
In this final week, Master H explores the concept of having a motto to keep you pushing forward and how we can both create and utilize one that is personal and motivating to us.
ListenWhat Resilience Looks Like
In this episode, Master H explains different strategies for building up our personal resilience in the face of challenges and become stronger because of it!
ListenUsing Resilience to Solve Problems
On the topic of Resilience, Master H shows us how to practice problem-solving, prioritizing, and how we can grow from those experiences!
ListenWhat is Resilience?
Our character word for the month of July is Resilience! In this first episode, Master H defines what resilience is and how it can help us reach our goals and build stronger life skills.
ListenCourage to do the Right Thing
What is the right thing and how do we use our courage to stand up? For the final episode on Courage, Master H wraps us up by showing us how we can use our courage everywhere.
ListenUsing Courage in Challenges
In this episode, Master H shows us how we can use our courage do face challenges and persevere to do hard things.
ListenCalming Down to do Brave Things
On the topic of courage, Master H teaches some strategies to help us calm down in order to do brave things.
ListenWhat is Courage?
June's word of the month is Courage! Childhood development expert, Master H, starts with explaining what courage means and how we can show it every day.
ListenGrowing Determination
Now that we understand what determination is and why it's so important, Master H explains how we can continue growing our determination as a life skill.
ListenLack of Determination
What happens when we don't have determination? Today, Master H teaches the importance of having determination to accomplish many things in life.