
Our Podcast delivers valuable information to our students.

How Do We Show Empathy?

Today, Master H gives suggestions on how we can show empathy to those around us by being good listeners, relating our own experiences, and building each other up.

How Some Reactions Can Feel Different

Today, we explain how our words and actions can feel different than those around us. We also discuss how we can share empathy and understanding with each other.

How do we Communicate Our Feelings?

Today, Master H explains how we can express our emotions in a healthy way and show empathy for others by reading emotions in visual cues.

What is Empathy?

Today, we define what empathy is as "I understand someone else's feelings.” Master H introduces what empathy is and how it differs from sympathy and compassion. We work to understand what these big emotions are and how we can address them in a healthy way.

Responsible Leadership

Today, we talk about how to show responsible leadership and taking initiative.

Messing Up Responsibly

Today, we go over how we show responsibility when we make mistakes.

Showing Responsibility

Today, we talk about how we show responsibility in our lives wherever we are.

What is Responsibility?

Today, we go over what responsibility is and how we can show it every day.

Speaking Up vs Standing Together

Today, we discuss the difference between speaking up and standing together as a team.

Contributing to the Team

Today, we learn how to contribute to the team and how to balance our strengths and weaknesses.
