Character Chats

How We Show Discipline

What helps us show discipline?

Here at True Balance Karate in Downers Grove, Illinois, we have a social-emotional learning program called True Character. I’m Master H, the owner and chief instructor here at the studio. I have two master’s degrees in education, and we have developed this curriculum to meet the needs of our youngest students, who are three or four, and our oldest student, who is 85. This month, we are talking about discipline: I do what needs to be done before I play.

We’ve already discussed the importance of discipline in setting and achieving goals. Today, let’s explore tools and techniques that can help us stay disciplined:

  1. Set a Timer
    A timer helps you stay focused on a task for a set period. Whether you work for five or ten minutes with breaks or aim to complete the entire task within a certain time, the timer keeps you grounded. You can even race against the timer to add a fun challenge.
  2. Write a List
    Task lists are powerful tools for maintaining discipline. Write down what you need to accomplish, and cross items off as you complete them. This gives you a sense of progress and motivates you to keep moving forward. Break larger goals into smaller, actionable steps to make them more manageable.
  3. Stay Present
    Discipline requires focus. Avoid distractions by staying present in the moment. If other thoughts or tasks arise, jot them down in a notebook to revisit later. This prevents you from losing focus on your current activity.
  4. Incorporate Rewards
    Make discipline more enjoyable by setting up a reward system. After completing a task, treat yourself to something you enjoy—a walk, playing with your pets, reading, or gaming. This creates a positive association with completing your work and encourages consistent focus.
  5. Celebrate Achievements
    When you finish your task list or accomplish a significant goal, celebrate! Whether it’s a small personal victory or a big milestone, acknowledging your success reinforces discipline.

By combining focused work with intentional rewards and clear steps, staying disciplined becomes more achievable and even enjoyable. Set yourself up for success by aligning your tasks, focus, and rewards, and you’ll find it easier to achieve your goals.

Thanks, and I’ll see you on the mat!


True Balance Karate was founded in 2012 by Master Sue and Paul Helsdon.

We offer kids karate lessons for pre-school children ages 3-6 and elementary age kids ages 7 and up. These lessons are designed to develop the critical building blocks kids need — specialized for their age group — for school excellence and later success in life.

Our adult martial arts training is a complete adult fitness and conditioning program for adults who want to lose weight, get (and stay) in shape, or learn self-defense in a supportive environment.

Instructors can answer questions or be contacted 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week at 630-663-2000. You can also contact us here. True Balance Karate is at 406 Ogden Ave Downers Grove Illinois, 60515 (next to CVS) Check out our Facebook!