This Week’s Announcements from the Mat
Announcements for the week of March 24
Gup test this week
The next gup test is Thursday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. for all yellow/orange belts and above testing this time around. Turn in your request to test forms today! The make-up test will be Wednesday, April 9.
The 6:30 and 7:45 p.m. classes on Thursday, March 27, will NOT take place due to the gup test. The 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. classes will occur as normal.
FINAL WEEK to sign up for regional championships
Don’t miss this opportunity to have a great time building your confidence and public speaking skills while practicing your tournament skills (just like our recent in-house tournament) among martial artists from Region 5! To sign up, and for more information, visit Hope to see you there! Registration closes Saturday, March 29.
Out of town for Spring Break?
Let us know at the front desk so we don’t bug you for missing class!
Karate make-up day Friday, April 4
Mark your calendars for our next karate make-up day, Friday, April 4, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. If you have classes to make up, or know you will be missing classes over the summer, this is a great way to catch up now. Make-up day is open to orange belts and above. Come for the whole day, or just part of the day. Sign up at the desk.
This month’s Leadership skill is SWORD
Bring your sword on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday 3/29. Bring your book on Wednesday and Thursday.
March’s concept is ADAPTABILITY
- TBK class schedule updated 2/3/25
- Connect to our events calendar
- TBK’s Zoom code is 368-076-741, password “tbkrocks”. Change the name of the meeting attendee to show the student’s name and level or belt color so we can quickly approve them in the Zoom waiting room.